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Asparagus and our exceptional quality
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Asparagus (ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS) was known in ancient Egypt as frescoes have been found in the pyramids which are believed to date from around 5000 BC

Go to Nutrition and asparagus

Nutrition and asparagus

Asparagus as food is endowed with excellent properties. It dietary particular diuretic properties. Asparagus is not recommended for people with rheumatism, arthritis, gout and cystitis.

Go to Use – Recipes

Use – Recipes

Asparagus can be cooked in so many ways On our site there are recipes and small cooking secrets

Our farming are in a unique area, which favors the cultivation of asparagus

About Us

We cultivate and distribute superior quality of asparagus
Our production is oriented to high quality

The production and cultivation of asparagus is in Megaplatanos Almopia region.

Our territories and the microclimate of our region provide the opportunity for early production and excellent quality.

At each stage of production we apply methods for the best possible result.

  • x10 τόνοι

  • 1 εκτάριο = 10 στρέμματα

  • Σπαράγγια 22+

Client Client

production process

Asparagus from seeding to packaging

They wrote for asparagus

Information and news from external sources on asparagus

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