mediterranean forest soil type

The sprouting capacity during the initial phases of regeneration after disturbances such as fires thus provides resprouting species with a higher competitive ability for nutrient uptake than the species that can only regenerate with seeds (Lloret et al. Several studies have observed a strong interdependence between changes in plant community and changes in soil properties in Mediterranean ecosystems (Garcia et al. Soil Biol Biochem 56:989–997Gea-Izquierdo G, Allen-Díaz B, San Miguel A, Cañellas I (2010) How do trees affect spatio-temporal heterogeneity of nutrient cycling in Mediterranean annual grasslands? New Phytol 195:396–407Witkowski ETF, Mitchell DT, Stock WD (1990) Response of Cape fynbos ecosystem to nutrient additions: shoot growth and nutrient contents of a proteoid Xiang SR, Doyle A, Holden PA, Schimel JP (2008) Drying and rewetting effects on C and N mineralizarion and microbial activity in surface and subsurface California grassland soils. Mediterranean vegetation, any scrubby, dense vegetation composed of broad-leaved evergreen shrubs, bushes, and small trees usually less than 2.5 m (about 8 feet) tall and growing in regions lying between 30° and 40° north and south latitudes. Plant Soil. Plant Soil 344:305–317De Mico V, Aronne G (2009) Seasonal dimorphism in wood anatomy of the Mediterranean Del Cacho M, Lloret F (2012) Resilence of Mediterranean shrubland to a severe drought spisode: the role of seed bank and seedling emergence. New Phytol 18:3–6Pérez-Ramos IM, Ourcival JM, Limousin JM, Rambal S (2010) Mast seedling under increasing drought: results from a long-term data set and from a rainfall exclusión experiment. In the Mediterranean climate, plants have evolved under conditions of low soil-water and nutrient availabilities and have acquired a series of adaptive traits that, in turn exert strong feedback on soil fertility, structure, and protection. Plant Soil 289:227–238Sardans J, Peñuelas J, Estiarte M (2007) Seasonal patterns of root-surface phosphatase activities in a Mediterranean shrubland. Catena 88:87–95This research was supported by the Spanish Government grants CGL2010-17172/BOS and Consolider-Ingenio Montes CSD2008–00040, and by the Catalan Government project SGR 2009–458.Global Ecology Unit CREAF-CEAB-UAB, CSIC, 08913, Cerdanyola del Vallés, Catalonia, SpainCREAF, 08913, Cerdanyola del Vallés, Catalonia, SpainFacultat de Ciencies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08913, Bellaterra, SpainYou can also search for this author in Oecologia 137:51–61Fioretto A, Papa S, Curcio E, Sorrentino G, Fuggi A (2000) Enzyme dynamics on decomposing leaf litter of Fioretto A, Papa S, Sorrentino G, Fuggi A (2001) Decomposition of Cistus incatus leaf litter in a Mediterranean maquis ecosystem: mass loss, microbial enzyme activities and nutrient changes. Rev D’Ecol – Terre Vie 64:135–144Barea JM, Palenzuela J, Cornejo P, Sánchez-Castro I, Navarro-Fernández C, López-García A, Estrada B, Azcón R, Ferrol N, Azcón-Aguilar C (2011) Ecological and functional roles of mycorrhizas in semi-arid ecosystems of Southeast Spain. Plant Soil 315:273–283Castell C, Terradas J, Tenhunen JD (1994) Water relations, gas exhange, and growth of resprouts and mature plant shoots of Castells E, Peñuelas J (2003) Is there a feedback between N availability in siliceous and calcareous soil and Castells E, Roumet C, Peñuelas J, Roy J (2002) Intraspecific variability of phenolic concentrations and their responses to elevated COCastells E, Peñuelas J, Valentine DW (2004) Are phenolic compounds released from the Mediterranean shrub Castillo-Monroy AP, Maestre FT, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Gallardo A (2010) Biological soil crust modúlate nitrogen availability in semi-arid ecosystems: insights from a Mediterranean grassland. J Soil Sci 43:133–144Van Wesemael B, Verstraten JM (1993) Organic acids in a morder type humus profile under a Mediterranean oak forest. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 93:89–112Rodríguez-Pleguezuelo CR, Durán Zuazo VH, Fernández JLM, Martín Peinado FJ, Franco Tarifa D (2009) Litter decomposition and nitrogen release in a sloping Mediterranean subtropical agroecosystem on the coast of Granada (SE, Spain): effects of floristic and topographic alteration on the slope. Funct Ecology. Chemosphere 70:874–885Sardans J, Rivas-Ubach A, Peñuelas J (2011) Factors affecting nutrient concentration and stoichiometry of forest trees in Catalonia (NE Spain).

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mediterranean forest soil type