southeast polk high school calendar

2020 Graduation July 18 – Live Stream Links 12:30 pm Ceremony on as planned!Welcome Cory Goldsmith, Southeast Polk High School’s New Assistant Principal!

Stream sports and activities from Southeast Polk High School in Pleasant Hill, IA, both live and on demand. Southeast Polk High School; Southeast Polk High School Mascot Rams Colors Black, Gold Type Co-Ed / Public AD Kent Horstmann Address: 7945 NE University Ave., Pleasant Hill, IA 50327 Phone (515) 967-2944 Fax (515) 967-2944. Altoona Elementary

Activities The mission of Polk County Public Schools is to provide a high-quality education for all students. Jul 31. Pleasantville CSD 415 Jones Street Pleasantville, IA 50225 ()Central Office 515.848.0555 515.848.0561 (Fax) This page contains the major holiday dates from the 2020 and 2021 school calendar for Southeast Polk Community School District in Iowa. Welcome to Southeast Polk Athletic Registration Click the icon below to register for an activity Registration for the 2020-2021 School Year will open on July 1st.

Congrats 2020 Grads! Click on the Conference Calendar tab at the top to see the Conference calendar. Grades 3-11 proficient in Reading - State goal: 80%Schools receive national recognition for commitment to empowering students: Four Mile Elementary, Jr. High and High SchoolSee the Southeast Polk Return to Learn Plan by clicking "Read More" sep teacher, penny watgen, elected to iowa talented and gifted boardsephs teacher, erin sears, selected as nea foundation global learning fellow

SEP athletics, dance, drama, instrumental music, and vocal music all boast a highly decorated history of earning state championships and national recognition, achieving both team and individual accomplishments, and developing lifelong friendships and mentorships. No events today. Southeast Polk Rams Girls Basketball 19-20 Team Calendar Page. Welcome Cory Goldsmith, Southeast Polk High School’s New Assistant Principal! The Thursday, July 16, School Board Meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will be available via Livestream. Watch online from home or on the go. We ask that you complete OLR during the month of February, which will allow our staff to complete the placement process in a timely manner. Clay Elementary

Vocal Music at Southeast Polk Jr. High. Game Details: Fort Dodge High School, Rogers Park Diamond 1Game Details: Des Moines Lincoln High School, Softball DiamondGame Details: Des Moines Lincoln High School, Softball DiamondGame Details: Des Moines Hoover High School, SoftballGame Details: Johnston Middle School, Softball DiamondGame Details: WDM Valley High School, Softball DiamondMaxPreps is a registered trademark of CBS Broadcasting Inc. California moves high school football to the Spring

This calendar provides information regarding no school days, parent-teacher conferences, staff professional development days, and more. Southeast Polk High School | 7945 NE University Ave. | Pleasant Hill, IA 50327 | 515.967.6631 School Events MaxPreps has their 35 game schedule and results, including links to box scores and standings. No events today. In addition, the student and parent/guardian must sign off on the If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:

Southeast Polk Activities are a source of community pride. Updates From This Month; JV Baseball vs. Ottumwa Upcoming game on 6/18/2020 5:00 PM.

No events today. What do you have the power to do? Preschool registration will be available online beginning February 4, 2020, at 5 p.m. Southeast Polk uses online registration (OLR) to register students.

High School

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southeast polk high school calendar