Jon Snow sister

Davos says that it doesn't matter who bends the knee.

Daenerys insists that he must never reveal his parentage to anyone but Jon tells Daenerys he owes his sisters the truth. Jon, Sansa, and Davos later appeal to Lyanna Mormont, who previously refused to aid Stannis. She leads him into a nearby cave. Jon states that the First Men he is descended from defeated the White Walkers once during the Jon then marches south with the Free Folk army. After landing, Jon and Daenerys kiss, which is interrupted by the dragons. Ygritte tells him that he should have taken her when he had the chance.In Winterfell, after Theon betrays House Stark and As Jon is led by Ygritte and the Lord of Bones into the main wildling camp in the Jon is led into the tent of the King-Beyond-the-Wall, Mance Rayder, where the Lord of Bones explains that he is Ned Stark's bastard son to a large man with a heavy beard who is eating chicken by the fire. In order to escape his bastard status, Jon joins the Jon returns to Winterfell with Daenerys and the Targaryen forces, reuniting with his "half-siblings" After returning to Castle Black, he reunites with his Artistic depiction of Rhaegar Targaryen abducting Lyanna Stark.Ned Stark finds Lyanna dying after giving birth to Rhaegar's last living child, whom Ned then passes off as his own bastard son, "Jon Snow".After defeating the last of the Kingsguard, Ned rushed into the tower to save his sister - only to find Lyanna dying from Rather than using his nephew's birth name of Aegon, which would have given away his real parentage, Ned gave the baby the name "Jon" after his great friend and mentor Jon spent the next seventeen years being raised in Winterfell as Eddard's illegitimate son, alongside his trueborn children with his wife.

Meanwhile, back at Winterfell, Sam and Gilly arrive. When Sansa mentions With help from Tormund, Jon speaks with the wildlings and asks for their help in the coming battle against Ramsay. A little while later, Jon confronts At the Red Keep, Jon witnesses Daenerys giving a speech to her victorious forces, in which she declares she "liberated" the people of King's Landing and will "liberate" the world. He recounts her atrocities but Jon states it happened because of the trauma from the loss of loved ones she suffered. Her father arranged a At some point after these events, Lyanna was supposedly In reality, Lyanna's death was due to complications after giving birth to her son with Rhaegar. Daenerys confides that the people of Jon confronts Grey Worm over executing surrendered Lannister soldiers.After the battle, Jon, Davos, and Tyrion observe in horror the ash-covered devastation wrought by Daenerys, with charred bodies strewn everywhere.

Jon responds that Daenerys is not like everyone else. Aemon feels around in his hands for his voting chip and produces a circle token and adds it to Jon's stack amidst cheers and laughter, as Jon has been chosen as the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.Jon is approached by Stannis and Davos about the offer of legitimization. Jon and Sansa attend a swift consultation with Ramsay.Jon holds a meeting with Tormund and Davos, in which he discusses their battle plan to let the Boltons attack the middle of their formation in order to encircle their army. Jon tells Daenerys he will refuse and on his knee, declares Daenerys will always be his queen. At first, Bran thinks he is the boy and Arya is the girl, but dismisses that thought because the boy's hair is too long, and Arya never beat him playing swords. As they walk, Ygritte questions Jon as to why the men of the Night's Watch hate the wildlings. Despite Sansa's continued insistence, Jon insists his decision is final and summons In private, Jon chides Sansa for questioning his decision-making in front of the other lords and ladies and tells her to trust him. Jon thanks Daenerys, addressing her as "Dany", and Daenerys realizes that the last person to address her by that name was her older brother (and Jon's uncle) Viserys, who Daenerys remembers as not being a good person. That being said, in her final moments, Lyanna pleaded with Ned to protect her beloved son, as opposed to lamenting about the fact that she was going to die. In the meantime, Melisandre tells Jon of visions she has had concerning "Jon, loyal to his oaths, states that he has no sister and cannot help her, although he is anxious to. While they talk about leadership styles, they are approached by Jorah Mormont who has returned from Oldtown, who Daenerys tearfully reunites with. Mance's plan is for Tormund's small band to distract Castle Black by attacking their exposed southern side, at which point Mance's main army will assault it from the north.

Like many bastard children, Jon had to learn to grow up quickly. Her death was witnessed by Ned, two handmaidens and possibly Howland Reed. He then reunites with an injured Arya. When Daenerys confides she was made infertile by Later, as the two of them ride a ship to White Harbor, Jon enters Daenerys's cabin where the two of them begin to consummate their relationship, still unaware that they are aunt and nephew. Jon offers to take the watch up alone so Sam can go below.Later that night, Jon hears the horn blowing and looks north, witnessing a tremendous conflagration north of the Wall, just as Mance had promised him. Jon says this isn't exactly true, leading her into another chamber, this one filled with narrative drawings of the Children and the First Men. But as they leave, the Jon and the others make it back to the north side of Castle Black on foot, and he makes himself seen by Thorne so that they will be let inside. Jon offers to share the dragonglass weapons with the wildlings and allow them to settle on land south of the Wall if they promise to aid the Night's Watch in the coming battle against the White Walkers: even if they and all the men of the Seven Kingdoms are not enough to stop them, they can at least die fighting.

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