Haigazian College Rocket Society

Cedar 3 was launched in November 1962 to mark Lebanese Independence Day. The following year, in Jerusalem, Manougian and Masson married and that autumn he joined the faculty of Haigazian College in Beirut. It was around this time that he read Jules Verne’s novel From the Earth to the Moon, a gift from his uncle which he refers to as “the genesis of my fascination with science, rockets and space exploration”. After a strike closed the mill, his boss told him to keep busy and Manougian took the opportunity to design and build his first single-stage rocket.

“We wanted to continue the gesture of the dreamers,” Joreige says. The Lebanese Rocket Society which was led by Manoug Manougian and consisted a small group of students from the Haigazian University. There were three types: Arz 1, Arz 2, and Arz 3. “They called themselves cultural attaches,” he says. Instead, he moved the entire operation to the army workshop for safety. The film-makers found that even the memories of the generation old enough to recall the rockets taking off from those mountains on the outskirts of Beirut had become clouded by decades of conflict. “We have something,” Manougian thought. “It was made of metal and I was so worried it could hurt somebody. The launch tube aimed the rocket across an unpopulated valley, but at ignition, Manougian recalls, the thrust pushed the “very primitive” launcher backward, in the opposite direction, and instead of arcing up across the valley, the rocket blazed up the mountain behind the students. “But I felt, even at that point, that it was a part of Lebanese history.”Born in the Old City of Jerusalem, Manougian won a scholarship to the University of Texas, and he graduated in 1960 with a major in math. He was, he says, driven by two challenges: first, to realise his dream of designing and launching multi-stage rockets, and, second, to get his students excited about science, technology, engineering and maths. “So the film became our journey to discover why nobody remembered it,” Hadjithomas says.

“We wanted to make a film about dreamers,” says the Lebanese co-director Joana Hadjithomas. He left in August, and the Lebanese Rocket Society was no more.But under military auspices, a last Lebanese rocket, Cedar 10, flew in 1967.
In 1959, Manougian visited Masson in Cleveland, spending the summer working in the city’s steel mills. With the loan of a mountain, his next challenge was to launch a multi-stage rocket that would separate in flight and travel a lot further – up to 10 miles. Decades of political turbulence followed, and the story of the Two years ago, science and engineering students at the University of Southern Florida approached Manougian to set up a rocket society. He was really upset by it. My entire concern was getting this thing off the ground.” This time, though, instead of going where he had anticipated, the rocket zoomed off behind the assembled dignitaries and students. “Its appearance in the work of al-Rammah shows that the rocket was known in the Arab world by ... about 1280.” He adds that al-Rammah “clearly used ‘Chinese materials,’ i.e., terms and sources.” Thus, at the very least, the knowledge of gunpowder and rockets in the Eastern Mediterranean would argue for the exchange of scientific knowledge among the leading civilizations of the time.

Manougian was also aware they couldn’t possibly test it in their physics lab. You only have a bachelor’s degree.” More than a private lab, Manougian wanted to get back to Texas to get his master’s. The rockets would be called Cedar 3 and Cedar 4, and each would have three stages. A few years before they became the first Arabs to send a rocket into space, the members of the Haigazian College science club, in Beirut, encountered a problem. “With the setting sun glistening on its red-coloured sides… the 350kg rocket climbed slowly from the launch pad into the southwestern sky – leaving a vapour trail across the Bay of Beirut.” Inspired by news that the Soviet Union had sent the first human, By now the team had begun designing its first three-stage rocket, capable of reaching the thermosphere, which begins at around 50 miles above the Earth’s surface.

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Haigazian College Rocket Society